Discovering the MVC pattern

Feb 27, 2024


MVC, short for Model-View-Controller, is like the architect behind well-organized software. Imagine your app as a house: the Model is the foundation, holding all the data and logic together. It doesn’t care about how things look; it just manages what's there.

Then there's the View – think of it as the windows and doors, the user interface. It’s all about presenting the data from the Model to the user. It’s customizable too, so you can change the look without messing with the Model's structure.

Lastly, meet the Controller, the traffic cop directing the flow between Model and View. It takes user input from the View, updates the Model accordingly, and makes sure everything runs smoothly. With MVC, your software stays organized, flexible, and easy to maintain. So, next time you're coding, remember: keep it MVC!

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